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Increased individual sensitivity to any component of the drug, acute thromboembolism, erythrocytosis and erythremia.

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  • are no differences. Pharmachologic effect They differ from drugs of other generations in that, in addition to antihistamine activity, they have a depressant effect on the central nervous system with a sedative and hypnotic effect. The drugs have an irritating and local anesthetic effect.

    Some members of the group enhance the effect of analgesics, local anesthetics and have antiemetic effects.

    When taken orally, the drugs are rapidly absorbed, therefore, they have a short latent period, which is used for rapidly developing allergic reactions.

    Long-term use of drugs somewhat reduces their pharmacological effect, addiction (tolerance) develops. Antihistamine drugs of the 1st generation, short-acting (4-6 hours): diphenhydramine, promethazine, chloropyramine. Daily dose introduce through 3–4 hours, dividing on the 6–8 tricks. For intravenous introductions (dissolve in 5% glucose solution or isotonic solution sodium chloride).

    D.S.: By 5–10 drops 2–3 times in day per 1/4 - 1/2 _ _ _ _ hours before food.

    Well reception 7–10 days Alcoholic acid salicylic solution, Hemosol, Duofilm, Kerasal, Kollomak, Salicylic ointment, Salicylic-zinc paste, Urgocor corn patch, Algopix. Dosage and administration Trimedoxime Buy Cialis Pack-30 online - Men's ED Packs bromide ( Trimedoximi bromidum ). Rp.: Metacyclini hydrochloridi 0.15 Dosage and administration Dtd N.

    In relation to the fetus: compression, asphyxia and death of the fetus.

    Pasta Teymurova Ointment When applied topically, dermatitis, skin rash, urticaria, angioedema.

    If side effects occur, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or stop its use.

    The main side effects of acetylsalicylic acid are associated with inhibition of cyclooxygenase. At the same time, the formation of prostaglandins E 2 and I 2 (prostacyclin), which have a Buy Cialis gastroprotective Pack-90 online - Men's ED Packs effect, is disrupted. As a result, even with a short use, acetylsalicylic acid can cause damage to the epithelium of the stomach and duodenum (ulcerogenic effect).

    When using acetylsalicylic acid, gastrointestinal bleeding and other hemorrhagic complications are possible.

    Selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase leads to activation of the lipoxygenase pathway for the conversion of arachidonic acid and to the formation of leukotrienes with bronchoconstrictor properties. In patients with bronchial asthma, acetylsalicylic acid can provoke the onset of an attack ("aspirin asthma"). By 2 ml subcutaneously, intramuscularly, inside- venno. yannoy giving oxygen and inhalation of aerosols, foam- residents (96% ethyl alcohol or ten% alcohol solution antifolesilene). Rp.: Salbutamoli 0.002 (0.004) Attack cardiac asthma 211. Agents that interfere with the action of ADP on platelets Preparations are divided into generations: the first generation - ome-prazol (omez ? Synthesized a new representative of proton pump inhibitors - the optical monoisomer of omeprazole - esomeprazole (nexium ?

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