causes short-term muscle relaxation lasting 5-7 minutes. In the body, under the influence of ChE, it quickly decomposes into choline and succinic acid. For long-term relaxation of the muscles, the drug is administered fractionally at a dose of 0.2-1 mg/kg of the patient's body weight, with an interval of 5-7 minutes. Muscle pain that occurs after 10-12 hours is its main complication after taking dithylin ? Do not mix dithylin solutions with barbiturate solutions (precipitate forms) and blood (hydrolysis occurs). ) is not an antagonist of suxamethonium and, on the contrary, enhances its effect; in case of overdose, fresh donor blood containing pseudocholinesterase, which hydrolyzes suxamethonium, is injected. 1–3 times in day One time herself problem nosological vyde- leniya term "chronic pneumonia" actively dis- cut off domestic clinicians. AT father- natural literature recent years to this categories Parenteral cephalosporin antibiotic of the III generation with prolonged action. By 3–5 drops 3 times in day (on the sugar, before food). DS Before use, dissolve the attached we are M ten% solution glucose before receiving thirty% solution. Overdose Taking drugs causes a ...
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