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• stimulating M- and N-cholinergic receptors (M-, N-cholinomimetics) - acetylcholine; Indications for use Symptoms.

Arrhythmia, including bradycardia, atrioventricular block, ventricular tachycardia or extrasystole, ventricular fibrillation; headache, fatigue, dizziness; anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Combined drugs used to correct the natural microbiocenosis of the human body.

is a multicomponent sorbed probiotic containing bifidus and lactobacilli.

) are freeze-dried in a cultivation medium microbial mass of co-grown live antagonistically active strains of bifidobacteria and Escherichia coli. They have a corrective effect on microbiocenosis, stimulate local reparative processes in the intestines, provide the body with vitamins of groups B and K, and contribute to the full digestion and assimilation of food. is a lyophilized biological Buy Apcalis SX Oral Jelly (Tadalafil) 20mg online - Erectile Dysfunction product containing live bifidobacteria (Bifidobactenum bifidum strain No.

Lysozyme has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates reparative processes, erythropoiesis, improves digestion, increases the body's anti-infective and anti-toxic resistance. - smooth muscle tone Side effects Side effects Dosage and administration Zolmitriptan (active ingredient) stops the development of a migraine attack without a direct analgesic effect, relieves nausea, vomiting, photo and sound phobia. Overdose Betahistine-Ratiopharm, Betaserc, Vestibo, Tagista, Avertid, Betahistine-Lugal, Betahistine-Medokemi, Betanorm, Vazoserk Duo, Vasoserk, Vergostin, Vestagistin, Westinorm, Maxgistin, Be-Stadi, Vasozerk fort, Arlevert.

Usually the daily dose for children under the age of 1 year is 50,000-100,000 U / kg of body weight, over 1 year - 50,000 U / kg, if necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 200,000-300,000 U / kg, according to vital indicators - up to 500,000 U / kg.

The frequency of administration of the drug - 4-6 times a day.

For i / m administration, 1-3 ml of sterile water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, or 0.5% procaine solution are added to the contents of the vial. The resulting solution is injected deep into the muscle in the upper outer square of the buttocks. • 2nd generation drugs (cefamandol, cefaclor, cefuroxime).

Sometimes - heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea; rarely - diarrhea, bloating, constipation, vomiting; very rarely - peptic ulcer of the stomach and / or duodenum, gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatitis, pancreatitis. A single dose is 0.01 g, a daily dose, taking into account the dosing scheme, is 0.03 g.

Doses are not overestimated, since WFD = 0.1 g, VSD = 0.3 g,

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