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causes short-term muscle relaxation lasting 5-7 minutes.

In the body, under the influence of ChE, it quickly decomposes into choline and succinic acid. For long-term relaxation of the muscles, the drug is administered fractionally at a dose of 0.2-1 mg/kg of the patient's body weight, with an interval of 5-7 minutes.

Muscle pain that occurs after 10-12 hours is its main complication after taking dithylin ?

Do not mix dithylin solutions with barbiturate solutions (precipitate forms) and blood (hydrolysis occurs). ) is not an antagonist of suxamethonium and, on the contrary, enhances its effect; in case of overdose, fresh donor blood containing pseudocholinesterase, which hydrolyzes suxamethonium, is injected. 1–3 times in day One time herself problem nosological vyde- leniya term "chronic pneumonia" actively dis- cut off domestic clinicians. AT father- natural literature recent years to this categories Parenteral cephalosporin antibiotic of the III generation with prolonged action. By 3–5 drops 3 times in day (on the sugar, before food).

DS Before use, dissolve the attached we are M ten% solution glucose before receiving thirty% solution.

Overdose Taking drugs causes a specific pharmacological effect characteristic of this drug. In order to cause an effect, a drug must bind to a molecular "target".

In most cases, the target is a protein molecule, but nucleic acids or lipid complexes can also be.

Most often, proteins are represented by receptors, ion channels, enzymes, and transport proteins.

Content vial dissolve in 1–2 ml 0.5% novocaine solution.

Intramuscularly, 1-2 ml solution 2–3 times in day There is no typical clinical picture characteristic of an overdose of the drug.

For emetogenic chemotherapy and radiotherapy, adults are prescribed 8 mg IV slowly immediately before treatment or orally 1–2 hours before treatment, followed by 8 mg orally at intervals of 12 hours.

Children can be given as a single IV injection at a dose of 5 mg / m? immediately before chemotherapy, followed by oral administration at a dose of 4 mg 12 hours after injection. For the prevention of vomiting over the next 5 days, the drug is administered orally at 4 mg 2 times a day.

For postoperative nausea and vomiting, adults can be given orally at a dose of 16 mg 1 hour before anesthesia.

An alternative appointment of 4 mg as a slow intravenous injection or intramuscular injection during induction of anesthesia is possible. Children can be given at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg (up to Buy Levitra Pack-90 online - Men's ED Packs a maximum of 4 mg) as a slow intravenous injection before, during or after induction of anesthesia.

To eliminate developed postoperative nausea and vomiting in children, the drug can Packs Buy Pack-30 Levitra - Men's ED online also be administered at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg (up to a maximum of 4 mg) as a slow intravenous injection.

Infusions and decoctions are aqueous extracts, they are prepared in pharmacies ex tempore, as they quickly decompose and lose their specific activity. Infusions and decoctions are prescribed only in an abbreviated form, indicating the amount of medicinal raw materials, parts of the plant and the total amount of infusion or decoction. Examples of recipes for infusions and decoctions Rp.: Inf. Thermopsidis ex 0.5 - 200 ml In case of overdose, orthostatic collapse may develop. Gastric lavage, use of activated charcoal; according to indications - anticonvulsants, mechanical ventilation and other resuscitation measures.

Rp.: metronidazoli 0.25 (0.5) bemecor, Dimecor, lanitop, Methyldigoxin. Dosage and administration cholesterol from the blood, does not increase the excretion of bile acids.

Simultaneous food intake does not affect the effectiveness of the hypolipidemic action.

Ezetimibe is used for hypercholesterolemia as monotherapy or in combination with other drugs.

Undesirable effects are mild and transient: headache, diarrhea, bloating, myalgia. The drug expands the spectrum of antimicrobial activity and increases resistance to penicillinase. It is used intramuscularly for severe infectious diseases: Contraindications Adults are usually given intramuscularly or intravenously at a dose of 1 g every 12 hours.

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