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To delay menstruation until the desired time, use 1 tablet from the 21st day of the cycle until the desired delay time.

It is also possible to take bisekurin, starting from the 5th day from the expected menstruation, 2-3 tablets daily.

If the cause of anaphylactic shock is Xia drugs groups penicillin, necessary vve- denie penicillinase: Side effects 1794.

Rp.: Tinidazoli 0.5 + Espa-carb is used only for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, which has been confirmed by laboratory tests.

ANTI-ALLERGIC MEDICINES Laxatives that predominantly affect the motor activity of the colon include herbal preparations containing anthraglycosides.

This group of laxatives includes preparations of rhubarb root ? , senna leaves and its preparations: sennosides A and B (sena-dexin ? Anthraglycosides are broken down to active substances: emodin (trioxymethylanthraquinone), chrysophanoic acid (dioximethylanthraquinone), which irritate the intestinal interoreceptors and cause an increase in its peristalsis, followed by emptying. Metabolism of drugs occurs gradually, anthraquinones slowly accumulate, so the laxative effect develops after a fairly long period of time (8-12 hours) after taking the drug.

They are mainly used for chronic constipation caused by intestinal atony.

When taking drugs, the function of the colon is not disturbed, so they can be prescribed for a long time.

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biliary function is enhanced, a regular, formed stool appears, which distinguishes it from other drugs that cause loose stools, flatulence, rumbling and abdominal pain.

Rp.: Tinidazole Antibiotics - online 500mg Vincapani Buy 0.01 Higher doses for adults inside: single - 0.03 g, daily - 0.15 g; under the skin and intramuscularly: single - 0.01 g, daily - 0.05 g; in a vein: single - 0.005 g, daily - 0.025 g.

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Nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, urination disorders, increased fatigue, dizziness, headache, slow motor reactions are possible.

For newborns and young children, the dose is selected individually: the daily dose is

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30 mg / kg; the frequency of admission in children under the age of 1 year - 2 times, in older children - 3 times a day. , dezin ¤ , sensisept ¤ ), injection of 0.06% sodium hypochlorite ? At the beginning of the course of treatment for 2-4 weeks, the drug is administered intravenously, after which they switch to maintenance therapy with oral alpha-lipoic acid dosage forms at a dose of 300-600 mg 1 time per day for 1-3 months.

The drug is taken without chewing, with Buy Tinidazole 500mg online - a small Antibiotics amount of liquid.

To consolidate the effect of treatment, the course of therapy is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year.

At an early stage (if there is no residual urine) use conservative therapy, directed extended to the expansion of the neck of the bladder and strengthened function of the detrusive sphincter (prazosin,

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  • nol), in combined With metabolic drugs (raveron, depot).

    The duration of therapy for situational insomnia is 2-5 days, temporary - 2-3 weeks.

    The duration of treatment at the discretion of the doctor may be increased, but should not exceed 4 weeks. The disease of residents of certain geographic sky districts With lowered content iodine in OK- environment, characterized by an increase thyroid glands.

    In the combined treatment of chronic heart failure. Viral and bacterial infectious diseases, leukopenia, severe liver damage and thrombocytopenia, pregnancy and lactation.

    The main indications for the use of anticancer drugs 1735.

    Oxolini 10.0 When taken orally, the initial dose is 60 mg 3 times a day or 90 mg 2 times a day.

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