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With a deficiency of vitamin B 12 , pernicious (malignant) anemia develops, which, in addition to hematological disorders, is characterized by the occurrence of neurological symptoms due to damage to the nervous system.
Vitamin B 12 in the duodenum forms a complex with the intrinsic factor of Castle (gastromucoprotein, a protein secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach) and is thus absorbed into the blood. In blood plasma, vitamin B 12 binds to transcobalamin proteins that transfer it to bone marrow cells. The daily requirement for the vitamin is 3-7 mcg, the body loses 2-5 mcg of vitamin B 12 per day . The content of vitamin B 12 in the body of a healthy person is 2-5 mg, so vitamin B 12 deficiency develops only a few years after the cessation of its intake.
As a Buy VigRX 60caps online - Herbals result of the metabolic transformations of vitamin B 12 in the body, its coenzyme form (methylcobalamin) is formed, which is necessary for the formation of tetrahydrofolic acid, the active form of folic acid. Intramuscular one ml 1–2 times in day Local reactions at the injection site (erythema, edema and pruritus), they are usually temporary and mild in severity. Mild to moderate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may occur, which is an inherent risk of the stimulation procedure.
Pharmachologic effect Overdose Staphylococcal bacteriophage liquid (ointment, fresh chi).
Apply for treatment infections staphylococcus- howl etiology (boils, carbuncles, hydradenitis, phlegmon, abscesses, purulently complicated wounds, spit- ritis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, mastitis, cystitis, ho- lecystitis, intestinal forms infections and etc.) and them pro- phylaxis at operations, injuries and burns.
A drug appoint locally in the form of irrigation, dressings or there- pony moistened with phage, smearing with ointment for 3–5 days (before 3 once in day), through introductions his in cavity (peritoneal, pleural, joint, bladder and etc.) in volume before 200 ml (in case need process- duru is repeated 3-4 times with an interval of 48 hours), intradermal but (at treatment deep forms pyoderma) on 0.1–0.5 ml, the total single dose is up to 2 ml, the course of treatment is 10 daily injections (with the development of a local reaction, repeated new introduction is carried out after its disappearance), inside and in enema or candlelight — at intestinal forms stafi- lococcal infection, orally or through a probe - with ho- lecystitis. Inside the drug is used 1.5-2 hours before reception food 2 times in day. Doses — in dependencies from WHO- rasta: 10 to 50 ml orally and 20 to 100 ml enema Duration treatment
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"Neo-Anusolum" With therapy-resistant edema, the same or increased by 20–40 mg (by 20 mg for parenteral administration) dose can be re-administered no earlier than 6–8 hours (2 hours for parenteral administration) until a diuretic effect is obtained.
For inhalations on 2 ml 3 times in day to kid 5 years.
Rp.: Acidi acetylsalicylici 0.25 (0.3; 0.325; 0.5) 938. Rp.: Oxylidini 0.02 (0.05) Vaginal infection, weight gain, depression, decreased libido, headache, migraine, abdominal pain, nausea.
Sleep is necessary for normal life, it provides rest and promotes recovery processes in the body.
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