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Contraindications Side effects the possibility of long-term use of drugs without orgy side effects phenomena.

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If the therapeutic effect is insufficient, the dose of the drug can be increased to 0.2–0.3 mg 3 times a day, subject to careful monitoring of the course of the disease. Microsomal oxidation provides the first phase of the metabolism of most hydrophobic drugs.

Table ten toxemia (3-9 days after burn injury) indicative doses on the well treatment Vitamin E is used to prevent and treat hypo- and beriberi, infertility in men and women, for the normal development and course of pregnancy. It is used in the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases, with muscular Buy Ceftin (Cefuroxime) 250mg, dystrophy 500mg, 125mg online - Antibiotics, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and with hemolytic anemia. Severe cardiovascular insufficiency, atherosclerosis, stroke, angina pectoris, impaired liver and kidney function.

Analogues At pleurisy tuberculosis or obscure etiolo- gee appoint anti-tuberculosis treatment.

By 0.2–2 ml 1–2 times in day Should not be prescribed to patients with a tendency to increased scar tissue formation.

To prepare a solution for intramuscular injection, add 2 ml of water for injection to the vial and shake until completely dissolved.

The drug is used 1.5-2 hours before or after a meal or medication, washed down with water.

Antihypertensive drugs Inside single doses, children under 6 months.

— 0.002– 0.004 G, 7–12 months — 0.004–0.005 G, in 1–3 of the year — 0.006– geoopen.

Litholysis successful only at urate nephrolithic aze. Treatment is carried out with citrate preparations ( co- Limok , Uralit , Magurlit - rec.

1269, 1271-1272), dose pick up individually under control pH urine and level HELL. Hypersensitivity to guanfacine (active ingredient), cardiogenic shock, collapse, arterial hypotension, simultaneous use with alpha2-adrenergic antagonists. In the event of a discrepancy between the book balance and the actual tic presence face, responsible per receipt, replenishment, accounting and issuance of prescription forms, non- set of disciplinary, administrative and other types of liability under the law Russian Federation. Intravenously drip (less often under skin) before 2 l in day In mild forms of leukopenia, hydroxymethyluracil and pentoxyl ? Magnesii sulfatis 25% — ten (twenty) ml • calcium gluconate (rec. 1751), chloramphenicol Betfer 1a plus, Betfer-1a, Rebif, Betaferon, Betfer-1b, Alfapeg, Pegintron, Unitron, Pegasys, Pegferon peg.

NSAIDs with a pronounced analgesic effect (comparable to morphine in terms of analgesic activity).

Preventive treatment of dry, reddened or cracked skin; to accelerate the healing and epithelialization of the skin with microdamages, skin irritations, diaper dermatitis, chronic skin ulcers and bedsores; anal fissures; erosions of the cervix and after skin transplantation; treatment of the skin of patients during and after topical application of corticosteroids; preventive breast care for women who are breastfeeding and for the treatment of sore and cracked nipples. Small convulsive seizures are expressed in a short-term loss of consciousness without convulsions. However, facial muscles and other muscle groups may twitch. Partial (focal, focal) seizures occur with loss and without loss of consciousness.

They begin with motor psychomotor manifestations (

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twitching, smacking lips, visual hallucinations), the patient may make incomprehensible sounds and is at a loss. Psychomotor equivalents are manifested by attacks of behavioral disorders, unconscious actions that the patient does not remember.

Myoclonus epilepsy is characterized by short-term muscle twitching without loss of consciousness.

It is also used for amoebic dysentery (amebiasis) and giardiasis.

Sometimes it causes nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, loss of appetite, allergic reactions (urticaria, pruritus).

Contraindicated in violation of hematopoiesis, pregnant women.

Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals; with the initial form of insomnia - 1-2 capsules 1-1.5 hours before bedtime.

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