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Oxytocin also promotes milk secretion (increases the release of the lactogenic hormone of the anterior pituitary gland) and its release (due to excitation of the myoepithelial elements of the mammary gland). In high doses (3-5 IU), it causes tonic contractions (spasm) of the myometrium and can be used to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.

In this case, the bleeding stops as a result of mechanical compression of the blood vessels by the contracted muscles of the uterus. List B Bactroban (mupirocin) ointment alkaloids periwinkle • Type I - an anaphylactic reaction associated with the production of specific antibodies, as a result, anaphylactic shock, pollinosis, hay fever, Quincke's edema may develop. sodium bromidi 6.0–200.0 Birch tar (Pix liquida Betulae). Slightly warm up apply on the the cloth (thin layer) and attach to affected plot skin. Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, bleeding/perforation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, glossitis, ulcer (gastric/duodenal) with or without bleeding and/or perforation, gastritis, melena, thirst, dry mouth, ulcerative stomatitis, anorexia, belching, increased activity of liver enzymes, cholestatic hepatitis. Pharmachologic effect Analogues Contraindications Indications for use Dtd N. In the treatment of ascariasis, the drug is prescribed for 2 days in a row, 2 times a day for 1 hour or 0.5-1 hour after eating.

Give inside in the form of tablets in the following doses for 1 dose: adults - 1.5-2.0 g (3-4 g per day); children under 1 year - 0.2 g (0.4 g per day); at the age of 2-3 years - 0.3 g (0.6 g per day); 4-5 years - 0.5 g (1 g per day); 6-8 years - 0.75 g (1.5 g per day); 9-12 years - 1 g (2 g per day); 13-15 years - 1.5 g (3 g per day).

The main intestinal cestodiasis are teniarinhoz (pathogen - unarmed tapeworm), diphyllobothriasis (pathogen - wide tapeworm), hymenolepiasis (pathogen - pygmy tapeworm).

) is mainly used to expel tapeworms , and in the past, male fern extract was used, which is currently not used due to toxicity.

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